Top iPad 3 Social Web Sites and Programs

Apple's latest device, the iPad 3, has been released. This new version of this device offers users with more features and better overall specs. With many accessories coming out in the near future, users of this device will be able to enjoy a great social and tablet experience.

The iPad 3 has brought many new features as well as some updated ones to the table. The first iPad was definitely something on another level. There was no other company that was able to create such a tablet as good as this one. Yes, other companies are now making their own versions of the tablet, but with the iPad 3, Apple once again stands on top of everyone.

This means that manufacturers are already working on new accessories for this device. Since the iPad was a bit bigger than the first one, all the various cases are now obsolete. This device does not yet have many available accessories but it soon will. For now, the protective case adds all of the necessary protection to the body of the device. This device is also compatible with the Apple iPad 3 screen protector and the Apple iPad HD screen protector for further screen safety. It keeps dust and scratches from ruining the screen of the quite pricy investment.

The best think about the iPad 3 is its portability and convenience. As you all know social networking has become a huge part of our everyday lives. The Myspace app used to be one of the most downloaded but it no longer is. MySpace is the first site that got social networking where it is today. Although MySpace still has some followers, Facebook and Twitter are quickly taking over the game.

Twitter is probably the first application that the user will want installed on their device. This popular program allows users to follow friends, celebrities and even their favorite bands. Unlike Facebook, which will be discussed in just a sec, Twitter is constantly updating as people can tweet as many times as they want. This is definitely a must have for any social networking fan.

The other application that most users will want on their iPad 3 is the Facebook app. I’m sure everyone knows what Facebook is: the largest running social networking in the world. With it, you can update all your friends with pictures, status updates, interactive game play and more. Remember that the New iPad screen protector is the best way to keep the large screen of this tablet clean and scratch free throughout your use.


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